Plans supporting customization of knowledge base site
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Document360's Header secondary navigation is the bar below the logo, and the primary navigation is at the top. You can add menus in this space that help readers navigate to different pages from your Home page or Knowledge base site.
Accessing the Header - Secondary navigation
From the Knowledge base portal, navigate to Settings > Knowledge base site > Customize site.
The page holds all the basic site design configurations.
On the Customize site page, click Customize site again.
Select Header & Footer from the dropdown.
Expand the Header option.
Select Secondary navigation, and it will be highlighted.
You can view the available navigation links on the left.
Click Add new item to add a navigation menu either to the Left or the Right of the site header.
The available navigation types are
Single level
Multi level
Ticket deflector
Single level menu
As the name implies, it adds a single menu (meaning no sub-menu items under). This will be the default selection when you click the Add new item option.
In the Link name field, type in the text to display on the menu bar.
In the following field, you can either add a hyperlink, an email ID, or a telephone number.
Select the Toggle on/off for the link to be opened in a new tab.
Multi level menu
This option allows you to add multiple sub-menus under a single dropdown. After you’ve clicked the Add new item option, click on the first field to change to Multi level. In the Link name field, type in the menu name.
To add sub-menu items, click on the Add sub menu button on the right of the menu.
Similar to adding a single-level menu, type in the sub-menu name in the Link name field. You can add a hyperlink, an email ID, or a telephone number in the following field. Select the Toggle on/off for the link to be opened in a new tab.
You can Edit, Delete or Reorder the navigations from the left pane.
You can preview the changes on the right-side Preview pane.
Click the Save icon to save all your recent changes.
Click on Publish to activate the changes made in the portal on the Knowledge base site.