Rename categories and subcategories any number of times.

Category slug

Renaming the category or subcategory does not impact the category slug.

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  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to Documentation
  2. Navigate to the desired category or subcategory level
  3. In category manager, Click ••• (More) → Rename
    Above the editor window, Click on the category name, and you can edit this field.

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  1. Enter the new category name
  2. Click anywhere outside the renaming text field to save the new name

Category naming - Best practices

An effective Knowledge base relies on well-structured category names to enhance user experience and facilitate easy navigation.

Here are some best practices and recommendations from Document360

  1. Clarity and simplicity: Choose clear and straightforward category names that succinctly convey the content's purpose. Avoid complex terms or jargon that might confuse your readers.

For example,
Recommended: File management (or) Maintaining files
Not recommended: How to manage my Knowledge base files?

  1. Consistent formatting: Maintain a consistent naming format across categories. This fosters familiarity and aids users in quickly identifying relevant information.

For example, Drive - Getting started, Home page - Getting started.
When readers see "Getting Started" consistently throughout the knowledge base, it is easier to understand that this category contains articles about a feature from scratch.

  1. Reader-centric language: Frame category names from the reader's perspective, or if you document your product use the feature names. Use terms and keywords that align with their expectations and search queries.

For example, In Document360, we have categories named "Editors", "Content tools" and more that align with the feature names in our Knowledge base portal

  1. Avoid repetition: Ensure that category names are distinct and do not overlap in meaning. Eliminating redundancy prevents confusion and streamlines content access.

For example, Multiple categories named "Overview" can confuse readers and search engines to map you to the relevant content. Instead, use "Editor - Overview", "Drive - Overview", and "Analytics - Overview".

  1. Hierarchy and subcategories: Organize categories in a logical hierarchy, and when necessary, employ subcategories. This creates a structured flow that aids users in locating specific details.

For example, In the Document360 knowledge base, we have categorized based on the features and sequential user-flows inside the Knowledge base portal. This helps the reader navigate to the right article in their search module.

  1. Keyword optimization: Incorporate relevant keywords in category names to improve search engine visibility and discoverability.

For example, The Index and page category types contain their slugs. In the public knowledge base, search engines crawl and index these slugs.

  1. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms: Unless widely recognized and intuitive, avoid using abbreviations and acronyms in category names. Expand the term instead for better understanding.

For example, the Document360 Knowledge base contains a category for the SSO feature. But the category name is expanded as Single Sign-On (SSO). This provides more clarity to the category when readers browse the Knowledge base.

  1. Consider scalability: Plan for future growth and scalability by choosing category names that accommodate additional content and updates.

For example, Plan your information architecture and category hierarchy to scale with your product or company.

  1. Contextual relevance: Ensure that category names accurately reflect the content they encompass. Users should readily grasp the context without ambiguity.

For example, if your category name is broad or generic, add subcategories to narrow the context.

Adhering to these best practices can create well-structured documentation with category names that enhance usability, empower readers, and facilitate efficient knowledge access.