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The Article title recommender is one of the many Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered features in Document360. You can use the title recommender feature when naming or renaming your articles.

Document360 uses natural language processing (NLP) to locate the vital information in the article content while maintaining the original context to generate an optimal title.


  • Preprocessed article content should be more than 50 words.

  • Sufficient Document360 credits to use the feature.

    1 article recommendation (three title choices) consumes 1 credit.

Using the Article title recommender

The Suggest title is available in the article title section for all new articles.


  1. In published/draft articles, click on the article title in the editor to display the Suggest title module.

  2. Click on the Ask Eddy AI button.

  3. Three AI-generated titles are displayed.

  4. Click on Generate more suggestions.

  5. Select a title option and click on the Choose button.

  6. Click Yes in the confirmation prompt.

  7. If you do not want to select any of the suggested titles, then you can click on Cancel.


a. Suggested titles: Three titles are generated each time you click 'Suggest title.' You can choose the required title by clicking on the radio button to the left of the titles.

b. Share feedback: You can upvote or downvote the generated titles and let Document360 know the accuracy of the feature. This data will help us improve the feature.

c. Save/Cancel: You can choose a title and hit save or click the cancel button to close this field. Either way, once you click the 'Suggest title,' one credit is consumed.


What is 'Preprocess' or 'Preprocessed words' in Document360 articles?

Preprocess refers to filtering specific article/category page elements. The below elements are not considered for meta description generation's word count:

  • HTML tags

  • Images

  • URL/links

  • Code blocks

    If you have an article word count shown as 220 words at the bottom of the Document360 editor, this includes the HTML tags, links, code blocks, and more. When preprocessing content is considered, the word count would be less. Ensure the preprocessed article content is more than 50 words for the title recommender to work.

Data privacy

We understand that our customer's Knowledge base data is sensitive. As this feature uses a form of OpenAI integration, we adhere to the privacy policies on OpenAI. An extract from the policy states, "OpenAI will not use data submitted by customers via our API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI's service offerings."

Read the complete OpenAI API data usage policies

If you any queries regarding Document360's data policy, please read our Privacy policy