What is an Article revision?

{{glossary.Article revision}} (Versions) are essential for continually updating and revising any documentation by multiple contributors.

In Document360, when a {{glossary.Team account}} clicks the Edit button on a published article, and a new unpublished version of that article is created. The old version is added to the article’s version history but remains available on the {{glossary.Knowledge base site}} until the new version is published.


This article versioning option allows project admins, reviewers, and contributors to compare differences between versions and revert to a previous version at any time.

Don’t worry; creating a new version of an article does not erase your content. Only a user can manually delete older article versions.

Creating an article version in View history

There are two ways to create a new version of an article:

Method 1 - From the Editor

To create a new article revision,

  1. Open a published article in the Documentation Editor
  2. Click Edit in the top right of the editor. This action creates a new version and opens it as a draft in the text editor
  3. Update the article content
  4. Click Publish → Yes

Method 2 - Fork an older revision to create a new article version

To restore an old version of the article:

  1. Go to the desired article in the Documentation Editor
  2. Click the More > Revision history option (clock icon)
  3. Click Fork on the desired version listed in the history
  4. Click Yes in the pop-up. This action will create a new version of the article with the content of the selected article version

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5. To edit the new version, click Open on the latest version listed in the history
6. If required, update the article content
7. Click Publish → Yes

Article revision actions

The below options are available in Article revision:

  1. Fork: To create a new article version from an existing article version. Here, the article is opened in the Editor mode, where you can make changes to the article content
  2. Delete: To delete the article version. This action cannot be reversed
Deletion of the published article

You cannot delete a published article version. You can only delete the unpublished article version.

  1. Open: To open the article version in the {{glossary.Editor}}. This helps you restore any of the previous versions to the published state
  2. Workflow history: View the article version's workflow history. This includes all the Workflow stages, Workflow assignees, comments, and dates


You can make any previous version of an article public by opening that version in the editor and clicking Publish.

You can also see detailed information about each version, including the version number, contributor, created date, and version visibility.

Viewing differences between two versions of an article

You can open two versions of an article at any point in Article revision and compare them.

To compare two versions of an article:

  1. Go to the desired article in the Documentation editor
  2. Click More > Revision history option in the right menu bar
  3. Select the checkbox of the desired versions you want to compare
  4. Click the Compare button

Different ways to view differences between versions

There are four different ways to view the differences between versions:


  1. Code Diff: To view both versions in Markdown syntax. The older version appears on the left, and the newer version appears on the right. Content removed will be represented with a red background, while content added is depicted with a green background
  2. Rendered Diff: To view both versions in preview mode. The older version appears on the left, and the newer version appears on the right. Content removed will be represented with a red background, while content added is depicted with a green background
  3. Older version: To view the older version in both markdown syntax and preview mode
  4. New version: To view the newer version in both markdown syntax and preview mode


Why are the updated timeframes of the forked article not in order?

If the older versions are opened and updated, the recently modified version will be shown with the updated timeframe accordingly.

Can I restore a previous revision of the article?

Yes, restoring a previous revision of an article is a straightforward process.

  • Open the Revision history, choose the recent revision or any of the older revisions, Click on Open and Publish the article
  • Open the Revision history, choose the recent revision or any of the older revisions, Click on Fork and Publish the article

Article revisions are helpful when you or any other Team account has accidentally edited or published the article.