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Feature explorer allows you to optimize the product learning experience. It helps you in acquiring product knowledge quickly. Accomplish the tasks in the Feature explorer to win trophies, and learn more about Document360.

Accessing Feature explorer

Feature explorer is available only in trial projects.


  • Click the Feature explorer (trophy) icon on the left menu bar
  • The Feature explorer window appears

There are two levels:

  1. Basic quick start
  2. Advanced options

Basic quick start

The basic features which you often use are listed under this level. There are four sub-levels:
a. Categories & articles
b. Invite your team members
c. Explore extensions
d. Customize your home page

Advanced options

Once you accomplish the basic quick start tasks, the advanced quick start section appears in the module.

In the advanced options, you would be exploring Content role and Portal role features.

  • In the Advanced options, select the Roles dropdown on the top, and choose the desired role
  • Similar to the basic quick start features, click the documentation and video (if available) icons to view the respective insights of the tasks to be done

Exploring Document360 with feature explorer

Exploring the features in Document360 with feature explorer helps you to learn about the capabilities of the Knowledge base portal.

You can explore in the order listed in the window (or) in your flow.

Sequential flow

The quick start module and the sequence of features have been meticulously crafted to ensure the optimal Document360 platform learning experience.


  • Click the Documentation icon next to the task to view the insight of the task to be done

  • Click the Video icon (if available) to view the insight video of the task to be done

  • Click the task button (For example, Explore analytics ) to start exploring the feature

Once you accomplish a task, the Feature explorer window appears with a Congratulations message, and you can proceed with the next task

  • Navigate to the previous and next module with the Back and Next on the top right

You can explore the features to which you have access.

How to hide the feature explorer auto initiation?


  • In the feature explorer window, select the checkbox Hide feature explorer for 24 hours at the bottom

  • Click Yes in the Hide feature explorer prompt

  • The feature explorer window is hidden for the next 24 hours, and it does not appear even when you accomplish a task

  • However you can access the feature explorer by clicking the Feature explorer (trophy) icon on the left menu bar