Many organizations around the world use Git for managing their code repository. One of those popular code repositories is GitHub, which makes it easy for developers to showcase their work and collaborate with other developers around the world.

Developers build new product features and fix bugs in existing product features by committing their source code to their project code repository via git commands. GitHub also provides an intuitive graphical interface to manage code repositories.


You have chosen Document360 as your Knowledge base platform. You have hosted your code repository in GitHub. There is a need that when a developer commits a code to GitHub, you want to create a corresponding knowledge base article in Document360.

Currently, there is no direct integration option available between GitHub and Document360 from either of the platforms.


As a workaround, you can use Zapier integration to bridge this gap. By connecting GitHub and Document360 on Zapier, you can easily facilitate the content flow between these platforms.

Ensure that you have logged into your Zapier account.

Go to the URL
And click Get started button


Connecting GitHub and Document360 in Zapier


Step 1 - Connect GitHub


  1. Click on the Connect button and key in your credentials on the new access window. Click on the Authorize Zapier button


  1. Click on the Next button
  2. You may need to click load more in the dropdown if you have a lot of repos
  3. Choose the desired repo and click next
  4. Choose the branch to pull commits from. If unspecified, the application would use the repository's default branch (usually master or develop). Click on Next

Step 2 – Connect Document360

  1. Click on the Connect to a new account button and a new pop-up window would open with an API token field to connect with the knowledge base project


  1. You can obtain the API token from the Document360 portal

API token generation

Obtain the Zapier token (API key) generated from the Document360 portal (Settings → Knowledge base portal → Extensions → Team collaboration), click on the generate icon, and copy the token by clicking on the copy button

  1. Head back to the pop-up window, paste the API token in the field, and click on Yes, continue


  1. You can find the connected Document360 project on the Connect your Document360 account page. Click on Next

If you wish to configure a different account later, you can do that by clicking on Reconnect or Connect a new account

Step 3 - Customize Zap


Select the fields you want to edit in Document360

  1. Search the checkbox of the required field(s) you want in the map fields window

You cannot deselect the fields with the Required tag.

  1. Click Next

Map fields from GitHub into Document360


Map all the required fields:

  • Title - By default, New commit in GitHub is selected here. However, you have a plethora of other options to choose from (depending upon your business requirements)

  • Content - By default, Commit Message is selected here. However, you have a plethora of other options to choose from (depending upon your business requirements)

  • Version - Choose the desired version in the knowledge base project, you want the article to be created in

  • Language - Choose the desired language in the selected version, you want the article to be created in

  • Category - Choose the desired category in the selected language, you want the article to be created in

  • Publish - Choose True for the article to be published. Choose False for the article to be in draft state.

  1. Click on the required field and select the desired option

After you map all the required fields, the Next button is enabled.

  1. Click on Next

Step 4 – Test Zap


  1. Once you have configured the actions in Document360, the Zap needs to be tested to make sure it’s configured correctly
    (Zapier would create an article on Document360 to make sure everything works)
  2. Click on the Send test button


  1. If successful, you would get the message “Test Article sent! Check your Document360 account to view it.’’
  2. Visit your Document360 knowledge base portal and you can find the article named “New commit in GitHub” under the desired location you have previously selected
  3. Head back to the Zapier setup window and click on Next

Step 5 – Turn on Zap

Now that the Zap has been tested and made sure it works fine, review/edit the settings before turning on the Zap.


You can edit the settings configured on the trigger GitHub new commit and the corresponding action of the new article in Document360

Finally, click on the Turn on Zap button


You would get a success message window stating Your Zap is on. You can click on the Manage your Zap button to go to your GitHub+Document360 Zap overview page.

Created Zap overview

Create articles in Document360 from new GitHub commits

You can view and edit the information about your created Zap on the Zap overview page
