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You can replace files of the same extension and type (For example. Jpeg, .pdf, .png, and more) with the same file name and metadata. This comes in handy when you want to update or replace a file used in many articles.

Instead of adding the new file to Drive and replacing it by editing each article, you perform a File replace, and the new file change is reflected in all the article Dependencies.

File replacement time

The file you have recently replaced may take up to 20 minutes to reflect in articles.

File format inconsistency

You can only replace files if the old and new formats are identical. In the case of image files, the image dimensions can vary.

For example, .pdf file can be replaced with .pdf file and not with .docx file).

Method 1


  1. Go to Drive and locate the file you want to replace
  2. Click on the ••• more options button adjacent to your file
  3. Select the ⇆ Replace option
  4. A Replace file window with the File name, URL, and a small preview (Applicable for image files. If any other files, the file type icon is displayed) of the file content appears
  5. Click on the Replace file button, and an explorer window of your local computer storage appears
  6. Select the new file you want to replace with and click open
  7. The new file is replaced in place of the old file


Method 2


  1. Go to Drive and locate the file you want to replace
  2. Click on the file, and a right blade window with file preview, file info, and metadata appears
  3. Click on the Replace file option below the thumbnail
  4. A Replace file window with the File name, URL, and a small preview (Applicable for image files. If any other files, the file type icon is displayed) of the file content appears
  5. Click on the Replace file button, and an explorer window of your local computer storage appears
  6. Select the new file you want to replace with and click open
  7. The new file is replaced in place of the old file
Unintentional file replace

When a file is replaced on the Drive, the old file content is overwritten. The old file content cannot be restored in any way possible (unless there is an offline backup of the same file). Unlike the deleted files, the overwritten files are not available in the Recycle bin of the Drive to restore.