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Accessing Bulk operations filters


  1. From the knowledge base portal, go to Content toolsDocumentationBulk operations
  2. The Bulk operations overview page appears
  3. Navigate to the different versions and languages available in your project using the respective dropdown at the top
  4. You can filter the articles with the below options:
    1. Basic filter
    2. Advanced filters
    3. Custom filter

Basic filter

You can use this first-level basic filter to sort through the different articles in the Bulk operations window. You can filter the articles with the options below:

  • Published - Articles with Published status
  • New article - Articles with New article status
  • Draft - Articles with Draft status
  • Review required - Articles with Needs review status
  • Hidden - Articles that are hidden on the Knowledge base site
  • Starred - Articles that are starred
  • Broken links - Articles which has broken link(s) based on the recent 'Link validation'

Advanced filters

Use advanced filters to narrow the articles to take action on. Filters can also help view all articles by a specific author or those grouped under a particular tag.

You can filter by:


1. Filter by review reminder

You can filter the article with review reminders into two sub-types.

  • Fresh - Articles without Needs review status
  • Stale - Articles with Needs review status
  1. Click the Review reminder dropdown
  2. Select the desired option
  3. The filter is applied

2. Filter by starred status

You can filter the article with starred status.

  • Starred - Articles with Starred status
  • Not starred - Articles without Starred status

3. Filter by visibility

You can filter the article based on its visibility status.

  • Visible - All articles in the selected version/language except hidden article(s)
  • Hidden - All hidden articles (articles with strikethrough indication)
  1. Click the Visibility dropdown
  2. Select the desired option
  3. The filter is applied

4. Filter by article status

You can filter the articles based on their status.

To filter based on the article status:

  1. Click the Status dropdown
  2. Select the desired option
  3. The filter is applied

5. Filter by author

To filter articles by any specific author(s):

  1. Click the Author dropdown
  2. Search for an author or select from the list
  3. Select one or more names, or toggle Select All
  4. Click Apply

6. Filter by category

To filter articles by a specific category or subcategory:

  1. Click the Category dropdown
  2. Select one or more categories or toggle Select All
  3. Click Apply

Selecting a category will show only articles under it. To select articles under a subcategory, you can pick them manually.

7. Filter by date

To filter articles updated within a time frame or a specific range of dates:

  1. Click the Date dropdown
  2. Select from the following options:
    • 1 Year to view articles updated in the last one year
    • 3 Months to view articles updated in the last three months
    • 30 Days to view articles updated in the last one month
    • 7 Days to view articles updated in the last one week
  3. You can also filter a specific date range by clicking on Select specific dates and using the calendar to set the range. You must select a from date and a to date in the calendar.

With the current implementation, you cannot filter the data for a single date.


When the toggle is turned on, the articles updated before the selected time frame are displayed. If a custom date range is chosen, the articles updated outside the selected date range will be displayed.

8. Filter by tags

To filter articles by tag(s):

  1. Click the Tags dropdown
  2. Search for a tag or select from the list
  3. Select one or more tags, or toggle Select All
  4. Click Apply

Custom filter

Create a custom filter in bulk operations that you can reuse.

For example, you can create a custom filter for your documentation team members with a specific date range and status indicator.

Creating a custom filter


  1. Go to Content toolsBulk operations, and the Bulk operations overview page appears
  2. Click the Filter dropdown button on the top right and click + Add filter


  1. A Create new filter window appears with the filter options

If you want this filter accessible by all team accounts, switch on the Shared toggle.

  1. Type in a Filter name and select the desired filter options
  2. Click Save

Editing a custom filter

You can edit the custom filters as per your requirements.


  1. Go to Content toolsBulk operations, and the Bulk operations overview page appears
  2. Click the Filter dropdown button on the top right and click the Pencil icon next to the desired custom filter


  1. An Update filter window appears with the filter options
  2. Update the required fields and click Update

Deleting a custom filter

You can delete the custom filters as per your requirements.


  1. Go to Content toolsBulk operations, and the Bulk operations overview page appears
  2. Click the Filter dropdown button on the top right and click the Trash bin icon next to the desired custom filter


  1. Click Yes in the Delete confirmation prompt

Removing filters

  • To remove all applied filters: Click X on the right of the filter categories
  • To remove advanced filters by type:
    • Click the desired dropdown, and click Clear or select None

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How can I view the list of articles that are in "Draft" status?

Navigate to "Content tools > Bulk operations." Next to the left navigation pane, you can find the list of article status filters (Published, New article, Draft, Review required, Hidden, Starred, and Broken links).
Click on the "Draft" option to display all the draft articles available in the selected workspace.

The same steps can be followed to view the list of articles in "Published" or "New article" statuses.