Some article elements can be displayed on the right or bottom of the article in the knowledge base site.
You can choose the positions (Right or Bottom) where the article element should appear in your knowledge base site.

Accessing Article right or bottom

In this section, you can choose the details which have to be displayed at the bottom of the articles on the knowledge base site.


  1. From the Knowledge base portal, go to SettingsKnowledge base siteArticle settings & SEOArticle settings

  2. Under Article right or bottom, you can access the below options:

    • Show related articles
    • Show article attachments
Changes made in Article right or bottom settings would be applied to every article and category page in the project.

Show related articles

When the toggle control for Related articles is enabled, the articles added are displayed on the knowledge base site.

Learn how to add related articles in Adding related articles

Dual linking

Enable dual linking: Select the checkbox to enable dual linking.

Dual linking is turned off by default for projects created before July 09, 2022, and enabled by default for projects created after that.

What is dual linking?
When dual linking is enabled, if Article-A is added as a related article in Article-B, then Article-B will appear as a related article in Article-A. Save time by using dual linking for adding related articles. With this option, you can avoid adding the related articles in both articles. Instead, you can add a related article to one article and enable dual linking.

Show article attachments

When the toggle control for Article attachments is enabled, attachments are displayed on either the right or bottom of an article based on your position selection.

How to localize the variables (article element) text that appears at the Article's right or bottom?

You can localize the two element texts below that appear on the right or bottom of the article on the knowledge base site.

1. Related articles
2. Attachments


  1. Go to SettingsKnowledge base portalLocalization & WorkspacesLocalization variables

  2. Select the desired language in the Select language section

  3. Expand the Article right or bottom section

  4. Update the desired text(s)

By default, the variables' texts are localized to the respective language.

  1. Click Save

The Localization variables are not to be confused with the Content reuse (Variable and Snippets in Document360.