When you try to log in with an incorrect password continuously five times, the account would be temporarily locked for 30 minutes due to security reasons.

The message Account locked due to multiple failed attempts! Please try after 30 minutes appears.

If you forgot the password, click Forgot password? and reset the password.

How to reset my password?


  1. Click Forgot password? in the Document360 login page and Forgot your password page appears
  2. Type in your associated email and click Send

The password change is for your entire account and not project-specific.

  1. You would receive a Password reset email to the associated email
  2. Click Reset Password in the email, and you are navigated to the Reset your password page
  3. Type in your new password in the Password and in the following field repeat the same password to reconfirm

New password requirements

  • Should be at least 8 characters long
  • At least 1 UPPERCASE letter
  • At least 1 lowercase letter
  • At least 1 number
  • At least 1 special character
  1. Click Reset and the password has been reset successfully

If you know your current password and you want to reset the password, visit Change password article