You can add Glossary terms to articles and category pages. You can add abbreviations, acronyms, and frequently used terms as glossary terms to enhance the user experience. The dotted line can identify the associated glossary terms in your articles and category pages.

How to add glossary terms in the Markdown editor?

Method 1 - Using the menu option

  1. Go to the desired article in the Markdown editor
  2. Click the Glossary option in the toolbar, and the Insert glossary menu appears with the list of available glossary terms
  3. Select the desired term(s)
  4. Click Insert

Method 2 - Using the syntax

You must know the exact glossary term to use this method. You can find it on the Glossary page

  1. Go to the desired article in the Markdown editor
  2. Type in the below Markdown syntax
  3. Replace the Term_name with the desired term name in the syntax

The term name is case-sensitive and includes spaces.

How to add glossary terms in the WYSIWYG editor (HTML)?

  1. Go to the desired article in the WYSIWYG editor
  2. Click the Glossary option in the toolbar, and the Insert glossary popup appears with the list of glossary terms
  3. Select the desired term(s)
  4. Click Insert

A preview of the glossary term is not available in the WYSIWYG editor window. Click the toolbar's View preview button to see how the glossary terms appears in articles and categories.

How to add glossary terms in the Advanced WYSIWYG editor?

  1. Go to the desired article in the Advanced WYSIWYG editor
  2. Click on the Insert menu
  3. Click the Glossary option in the toolbar
  4. A blade appears with the Glossary terms.
  5. Use the search and click on the term
  6. The merge code value of the Glossary term is added

A preview of the glossary term is not available in the Advanced WYSIWYG editor window. Click the toolbar's View preview button to see how the glossary terms appears in articles and categories.