Readers can access all the glossary terms in the selected language knowledge base on the glossary overview page. You can find the alphabetical list of words at the top, where you can navigate to the desired alphabet glossary. Here's your glossary overview page link:

Replace the <'yourdomain'> with your Knowledge base site domain

How to add the "Glossary library" page link in the header?

You can turn on or off the "Glossary library" page on your Knowledge base home page or as a navigation (Header, Footer, or Menu) as required.


  1. Go to SettingsKnowledge base siteNavigations, and the Header navigation tab would be the default selection
  2. Select the desired version and language
  3. Click New link under Left side navigation (or) Right side navigation, and a Home dropdown appears
  4. Select Glossary in the dropdown
  5. Add the desired text in the "Glossary definition." This text appears on the Knowledge base site
  6. If you want the glossary overview page to appear in a new tab, enable the toggle next to the glossary definition
  7. Click the Save button



How to add the glossary overview page link in the footer?


  1. Go to SettingsKnowledge base siteNavigationsFooter navigation
  2. Select the desired version and language
  3. You can either configure with Basic footer or Custom footer

Basic footer
If you're using the Basic footer option, follow the below steps:
* Select Basic footer, and you can find the Add navigation section
* Add the Link name as Glossary (You can change it as per your requirement)
* Type in your glossary overview page URL https://yourdomain/docs/glossary-overview
* Once done, click Save

Custom footer
If you're using the custom footer option, add the glossary overview page URL https://yourdomain/docs/glossary-overview in the desired location and click Save



How to add the glossary overview page link to the Menu?


  1. Go to SettingsKnowledge base siteNavigationsMenu
  2. Select the desired version and language
  3. You can either configure with Single level or Multiple level
  4. Click New menu
  5. Add the desired menu name and type in your glossary overview page URL https://yourdomain/docs/glossary-overview in the link field
  6. Make sure that the Menu visibility is ON
  7. Click Save



How to add the glossary overview page link on the Home page?


1.Navigate to Home page builder
2. Click the + (Add header link) icon in the header section
3. Select Add custom URL
4. Enter the link name as Glossary (or anything as per your requirement) and link as https://yourdomain/docs/glossary-overview
5. Click Publish



You can also add a glossary overview page link in any other section on the Home page as per your requirement.