Want to translate multiple articles in one instance?
In Document360, when you have a multi-lingual knowledge base, you would have to translate the articles often. Within the All articles section, you can translate the content of multiple articles to the desired language in one swift action.

How do you perform machine translation for multiple articles?

  1. Go to Documentation -> All articles

  2. Select the articles that you want to translate. And click Machine translate

  3. In the Translate to other languages blade, select the languages.

  4. Enter 'yes' and click "Yes"

  5. The Machine translation in progress prompt appears.

  6. Once the translation is done, the Completed prompt message appears


Markdown article

When you perform machine translation for a Markdown article, it will be automatically converted to the WYSIWYG editor. This switch of editors is not reversible.


The Need translation status is available only for non-default languages in your version
When a new language is added to a version, all the articles will appear with the Need translation status by default

Translation actions that can be performed in "All articles"

  • Translated -> Need translation
  • Need translation -> Translated
  • Machine translate