Access the team accounts overview page on the knowledge base portal


Adding a team account

Knowledge base requires the contribution of different personnel in different circumstances. Thus, Document360 provides the option to add new team accounts at any point of your subscription.

By default, Owner and Admin have access to add new team accounts to the project.

  1. From the knowledge portal, go to Settings → Users & Security → Team accounts & groups, and the Team account tab would be the default selection
  2. Click the New team account button at the top right
  3. A New team account blade would open on the right

2_Screenshot-New team account

a. Set up the basics


  • First name & Last name - Type in the team account's first and last names. This is an optional field. After adding the team account, users can set their own first and last names.
  • Email - Provide a valid email address of the team account

The same Email Id cannot be associated with multiple team accounts.

  • Skip invitation email
    Select the Skip invitation email checkbox to skip the invitation email sent to the team account. The team account will not receive an invitation email.
    You can send the invitation email later from the team account list. For more information, see send verification and invitation mail.

Click on the Next button at the bottom when you're done.

b. Portal role

The list of portal roles available and its description (if provided) in the knowledge base would be displayed. Choose the new team account's role level in the knowledge base portal. By default, document360 comes with portal roles such as Contributor, Owner, and Admin. You can also add Custom portal roles and assign them to the team account. To read more about portal role, see Portal role.


  1. Select the check box of the portal role you want to assign the team account
  2. Click on the Next button at the bottom when you're done.

Click on the Previous button to go back to the previous section.

Click on the Cancel button to quit creating the team account.

c. Content role & access

Choose the role level and access to the knowledge base content for the new team account. You can add a specific role and access to the available content level.


  • Click on the Add content role & access button
  • Add content role & access blade window would appear on the right
Things to consider when adding a content role & access combination

None content role can be associated only with the None content access

For example, you cannot associate None content role to the Complete knowledge base

Possible combinations:

Content role Content access
None None
Editor Complete knowledge base (Project), Version/Language, Category
Draft writer Complete knowledge base (Project), Version/Language, Category
Custom role Complete knowledge base (Project), Version/Language, Category

Content role


Choose the level of role to the knowledge base content level. The list of content roles available and its description (if provided) in the knowledge base would be displayed. You can also add custom roles and assign them to the team account. To read more about content role, see Content role.

For example, you want to restrict the team account from publishing the documentation and give access to manage the documentation, you can assign the role as Draft writer.
The Draft writer can add or update articles but cannot publish

  • Select the check box of the role which you want to assign the team account

Content access

7_Screenshot-Adding_TA_Content access

Choose the level of access to the knowledge base content for the team account.

For example, you want to restrict the team account to access only a particular category.

To read more about content access, see Content access . There are four levels available:

  • None - No access to the knowledge base site content. This can be used when the Owner or Admin has not decided on the content scope and would like to do it later.
  • Complete knowledge base (Project) - Access the entire knowledge base with all its version(s), language(s), categories, and articles
  • Version / Language - Access specific version(s) and language(s) in the knowledge base site
  • Category - Access specific categories in version(s) and language(s) of the knowledge base site

You must select a content role before assigning content access.

  • Select the check box of the content access, to which you want to assign the team account. If applicable, select the required categories, versions, or languages you want to assign the team account
  • Click on the Apply button
  • The chosen content role and access would be created as a new combination
  • You can create the required content role and access combinations. There is no limit to the number of combinations


a. Editing content role and access combination

  • In the Content role & access blade window, hover over the combination you want to edit, and you will see the Edit icon on the right
  • Click on the Edit icon
  • You can choose the desired content role and access combination by selecting the checkbox of the desired content role and access
  • Click on the Apply button

    For example, you want to change the content access from Version/Language level to Category level to restrict the content access for a team account.

  • Click on the Cancel button to go back to the Content role & access window

b. Deleting content role and access combination

  • In the Content role & access blade window, hover over the combination you want to delete, and you will see the Delete icon on the right
  • Click on the Delete icon
  • The desired combination would be deleted

For example, you duplicated a content role & access combination, and you want to keep only one combination.

  • Once you have selected the desired content role and access combinations, click on the Next button
Team account access
  • For each content level, the team account's highest privilege access is taken into account
  • Team accounts are only given access to the content level they have been assigned

d. Assign groups


  • Team accounts can be grouped under one or more team account groups. This is an optional step.
  • The list of team account group(s) available would be displayed.
  • Select the group(s) required.
  • To associate the team account to all the team account groups available, click on the selection button on the left of the list title.
    Click on the Next button at the bottom when you're done.

e. Review and finish


  1. Review all the details and settings for the new team account before finishing
  2. If you want to update the previous sections, click on the Previous button to go back to the previous section
  3. Click on the Add button

If there is an error, the respective toast message would appear on the top right.
Update the required changes and then click the Add button in this section

  • The new team account would be added to the team account list.
  • Once a team account is added, the respective team members will receive an invitation email. Once the email is verified, the user can set their password and log in to the knowledge base site.
One-time email verification
An email only needs to be verified once. After that, it can be used across multiple projects.

Editing a team account

  1. Go to Settings → Users & Security → Team accounts & groups and the Team account tab would be the default selection
  2. You can view the existing team accounts in the project


  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the team account you want to edit; the ** Edit** icon appears on the right
  2. Click on the Edit icon. You can view a blade window on the right with in-depth information about the team account. The profile photo, first name, last name, and email of the team account are shown on the top left


There are five sections available in this window:

  • Basic details
  • Portal role
  • Groups
  • Last sign-in
  • Content role & access

a. Basic details

The team account's first name, last name, and email are displayed.

Invitation information

The invitation information such as team account name and invited date/time appears if the team account is added after 26/03/2022. Hover over the invitation time information to view the exact date and time of the invite.
- If the invited team account name is unavailable, the invited team account email appears with the invited date/time information
- If the invited team account is deleted from the portal, only the invited date/time information appears

Click the Edit basic details to update the name of the team account.


Set up the basics

  1. You can add/edit the First name and Last name

You cannot edit the email.

  1. After updating the name, click the Save button

Click on the Previous button to go back to the Edit team account page.

Click on the Cancel button to go back to the team account overview page.

b. Portal role

The role level to the knowledge base portal for the team account would be displayed. Click on the Manage portal role to update the knowledge base portal role.


Portal role
To change the portal role:

  1. Select the checkbox of the desired role

    For example, you change the Normal user to Admin to give additional access.

  2. Click on the Save button

c. Groups

The list of groups that the team account has been associated with is displayed. Click on the Manage groups to add/remove the team account in the group(s)


Assign groups

  • You can find the list of team account groups in the knowledge base project
  • Filter by name: Type in the keyword to filter the group by name
  • A team account can be associated with multiple groups simultaneously.

To add a team account to group(s):

  1. Select the check box of the group(s) to which you want to add the team account
  2. Click on the Save button

To read more about team account groups, see Team account groups.

d. Last sign-in

The last login details of the team account, such as date and time (UTC), are displayed.

e. Content role & access

The content role and access to the knowledge base content for the team account are displayed. A team account can have different levels of role and access to the knowledge base content.

For example, you want the team account to have the Editor role for a particular category.

  • Click on the Manage content access roles & permissions to update the content role and content access of the team account


  • A list of content role and access combination(s) associated with the team account would be displayed
  • Click on the Add content role & access button to add a new content role and access combination.
  • You can add the desired combinations as per the requirement
  • When you hover the mouse pointer over the desired combination in the list, you will view the below two icons:
    a. Edit
    b. Delete

a. Edit

Click on the Edit icon to update the content access & role of the desired combination.


Content role
You can change the knowledge base content role of any team account.
To change the content role:

  1. Select the check box of the role to which you want to assign the team account

    For example, you want to change the Draft writer to Editor to give additional access.

  2. If you don't wish to update Content access, click on the Apply button

Content access
You can change the knowledge base content access of any team account.
To change the content access:

  1. Select the check box of the content access to which you want to assign the team account

    For example, you want to change the access from Version/Language level to Category level to restrict the content access for a team account.

  2. Click on the Apply button

b. Delete

To delete the desired content role & access combination from the list.

For example, you duplicated a content role & access combination, and you want to keep only one combination.

  • In the Content role & access blade window, hover over the combination you want to delete; the Delete icon appears on the right
  • Click on the Delete icon. The desired combination would be deleted
  • After updating the content role & access the combination list, click on the Save button

Deleting a team account

If the team account is no longer required in the project, you can delete it.

When you delete a team account, the user would no longer have access to the project. All the attributes and mentions of the team account would be removed from the content.

  1. Go to Settings → Users & Security → Team accounts & groups and the Team account tab would be the default selection
  2. You can view the existing team accounts in the project


  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the team account you want to delete. Delete icon would appear on the right
  2. Click on the Delete icon


  1. In the Delete confirmation prompt, click the Yes button

All the contributions made by the deleted team account would be changed to Anonymous

For example, when you delete a team account from the project, the team account name would be replaced by Anonymous without a profile picture in the article contributors list

Send activation email

Project owners and admins can resend a project activation email if the team account hasn't received the activation mail or has let the invite expire.

To send a project activation email:

  1. Go to Settings → Users & Security → Team accounts & groups and the Team account tab would be the default selection
  2. You can view the existing team accounts in the project


  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the team account you want to send a project activation email. The Send activation mail icon appears on the right
  2. Click on the Send activation mail icon, and the activation mail is sent to the team account's email

Email history

You can view the list of emails sent to the team account's email from Document360. Only the email activity of the last 30 days appears in this blade.

For example, you want to check the status of the project invite mail sent for a team account

To access the email history of a team account:

  1. Go to Settings → Users & Security → Team accounts & groups and the Team account tab would be the default selection
  2. You can view the existing team accounts in the project


  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the team account you want to view the email history. The Email history icon would appear on the right
  2. Click on the Email history icon. The Email activity history blade window would appear on the right


  1. The Email activity history shows the list of email interactions
    a. Status: The status of the email is shown here.

    For example, if the email is delivered successfully, Delivered would appear under this section

    b. Message: The title of the email would appear here
    c. Last event received: The date and time (UTC) of the email sent would appear here

  • Click on any email to view more information about it
  • When you click on any email, the Email information blade window appears.


Email information
The email information blade window shows the email information such as To, From, Subject,, and Received by.

  • To: Receiver of the email

  • From: Sender of the email

  • Subject: Subject of the email

  • Received by: Email of the team account

  • Click on the Previous button to go back to the Email activity history blade window

View permissions

Each team account would be assigned specific access to the knowledge base portal and content.

  1. Go to SettingsUsers & SecurityTeam accounts & group and the Team account tab would be the default selection
  2. You can view the existing team accounts in the project


  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the team account for which you want to view the access permissions. The View permissions icon would appear on the right

  2. Click on the View permissions icon. The View access permissions blade window would appear on the right

  3. The View access permissions has two sections:
    a. Portal access
    b. Content access


a. Portal access: The portal access to the list of various sections under Knowledge base portal, Knowledge base site, Knowledge base assistant, and Users & security would appear here

Click on the section header to expand or collapse the section.


b. Content access: The content access to the list of various sections under Categories & Articles, Home page builder & Drive, Analytics, Content tools, Knowledge base portal, and Knowledge base site appear here

Click on the section header to expand or collapse the section.

Buy more team accounts


  1. Go to Settings → Users & Security → Team accounts & groups and the Team account tab would be the default selection
  2. Click on the buy more link on the top left

Purchase addon

  • The Purchase addon blade window would appear on the right

  • The number of additional team accounts added to the project would be displayed

  • Click the "+" icon to add team accounts

  • Click the "-" icon to remove team accounts

  • Review the payment information and the number of additional accounts to be added

  • Click on the Confirm payment button to proceed with payment

Payment status

  • The Payment status blade window would appear

  • If the payment is successful, you would see the message Payment success! and the billing information such as Invoice #, Amount paid, Billing period, and Next billing date

  • Click on the Download invoice button to download the invoice to your local storage

  • The billing details would be sent in an email

Additional team accounts subscription
  • Team account cost is calculated annually. But once canceled, it cannot be reimbursed when you add another team account. You will be charged freshly every time you subscribe to an additional team account.
  • You can always reduce the number of team accounts, but we recommend you plan it by the end of the current billing cycle.
  • Click on the Close icon at the top right to close the blade window
Removing additional team accounts

If you want to remove the additional team accounts in your knowledge base project, click on the Buy more link. The Purchase addon blade window would appear on the right.

  1. Click the "-" icon to remove an additional team account
  2. Review the number of additional accounts and then click on the Confirm button
  3. To check the updated renewal details:
    SettingsBillingMy plan

Importing team accounts in bulk

A bulk import can be performed to add many team accounts simultaneously. Import team accounts by uploading a CSV that matches the following template.

Email FirstName LastName


Import team account file Template

You can also download the template here:


Save it in your local storage once the team account data has been added to the downloaded template file.

Back at the Document360 portal

  1. Go to Settings → Users & Security → Team account & groups and the Team account tab would be the default selection


  1. Click the Import team account button at the top right


  1. An Import team accounts blade appears on the right
Skip invitation email

Select the Skip invitation email checkbox to skip the invitation email sent to the team accounts. The team accounts will not receive an invitation email.
You can send the invitation email later from the team account list. For more information, see send verification and invitation mail.

  1. Either drag and drop the CSV file from the local storage onto the designated dropbox
    Choose Click here to choose a file option and select the CSV file using the device's file explorer
  2. The CSV would be uploaded, and the data in the file would be validated


  1. The following information would be displayed before proceeding with the import
    a. Valid email(s)
    b. Invalid email(s)
    c. Already associated email(s)
    d. Invalid name(s)
    e. Valid team account(s) for import: The valid team account can further be removed individually before the import by clicking on the 'X' next to the team account
Remove team account before import

This removal action can be performed only for new team accounts and not the already associated team accounts.

f. Ready to import:

  • Select portal role: Choose the role in the knowledge base portal for the new team account(s). To read more about portal roles, see Portal role.
  • Select content role: Choose the role to the knowledge base content for the new team account(s). To read more about content roles, see Content role.
  1. Review the team account details and click on the Import button

The newly added team account(s) would be added to the team account list on the Team account overview page.


You can import only 500 team accounts in one instance.

Export CSV

The team accounts list can be exported in a CSV file.

  1. Go to Settings → Users & Security → Team accounts & groups and the Team account tab would be the default selection


  1. Click the Export CSV button at the top right
  2. The CSV file would be generated and downloaded to your local storage
  3. This file can be viewed on any application for spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel and others
