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Full portal search is a dedicated space to search the entire project content, files, tags, users, and settings. Perform a combined search across all the versions and languages simultaneously.

Accessing the Full portal search page

  1. Click on the Search icon on the left-side main menu to access the Full portal search
  2. The full portal search page appears as an overlay window


Use the minimize button at the top right to retract this screen.

  1. Type in the keyword and use the filters available to narrow down the results in the 'All' section or individual tabs
  2. This works for article/category pages, Drive files, Users & Groups, Tags, and Settings
Full portal search exceptions

The full portal search does not cover data from the Content tools and Analytics sections in the Knowledge base portal. However, the search result in the settings displays the features.

  1. On the Search page, the search keyword highlight is available in the search results
  2. Only five results of each module are displayed. To view more results, click on the more option below the fifth result
  3. There are five sub-modules and one combined module (All) in the Full portal search

Top bar search

Team accounts can use the standard search bar available at the top of the page throughout the Knowledge base portal to perform the full portal search.

Team accounts can use the search bar to search across article/category pages, Drive files, Users & Groups, Tags, and Settings.


Type in the keyword, and the results appear in the dropdown.

Search result display

The best search results from every version will be displayed. Press the Enter/Return key on the keyboard to open the Full portal search page with more results.