The article's translation status indicator is above the text formatting toolbar in a project workspace containing multiple languages in both Markdown, WYSIWYG, and Advanced WYSIWYG.


The articles that require translation (with "Needs translation" status) are indicated using the "🌐" (globe) on the left side navigation pane.


Article translation status indicators

Here is a clear representation of the translation status and what it indicates.

Status Indication
Need translation The article is not yet translated or requires additional translation
Translated The article has either been machine or manually translated to the destination language.

The "translation status indicator" is unavailable on the default language article.

"Need translation" status


In the first instance, the Need translation status appears as a default status in all other language articles. The article can be either an existing article created from the base version or a new one.

The options that appear when you click on this status are

  • Mark as translated
  • Machine translate

"Translated" status


The Translated status indicates that the article has already been translated using machine translation or marked as translated by the team account.

The options that appear when you click on this status are

  • Set needs translation
Machine translate

To perform machine translation:

  1. Click Need translation -> Machine translate, and a Translate confirmation prompt appears
  2. Enter "yes" and click Yes
  3. For more information, read the Machine translation help article

Filtering "Needs translation" or "Translated" articles in the "All articles" module


  1. From the knowledge base portal, navigate to Documentation -> All articles
  2. The list of articles is available
  3. Click Filter on the right, select the intended filter (Needs translation or Translated)
  4. From here, you can perform actions such as:
    • Changing the translation status
    • Machine translate
