Enhance your Knowledge base by adding the glossary to help readers understand the frequently used terms (word/phrase/acronym/abbreviation).

The dotted line identifies glossary terms in your articles and category pages. Reader can hover over the glossary term and view the definition on the Knowledge base site. Reuse the glossary terms in your articles and category pages when required.

For example, you want to add a glossary term for the acronym GDPR. Add the term GDPR and the definition "General Data Protection Regulation."



Glossary terms would be available in the Knowledge base and Knowledge base assistant.

Glossary - Article links

Adding glossary

Managing glossary

Navigation links for glossary

Accessing Glossary

Go to Content toolsContent reuseGlossary, and the list of existing glossary terms appear (if added).


  1. Languages - You can filter the glossary terms for a specific language. Click on the languages dropdown to choose a language from the available list.
  2. Create - To add new terms or to import the terms in bulk.
  3. Delete - To delete glossary terms.
  4. Filter - To filter the glossary terms. You can use the Search, Updated by, and Last updated on to narrow down the search results.
  5. Term - Glossary term name appears here. Hover over the Preview button to view the preview of the definition.
  6. Dependencies - If the term is associated with any article/category page, the View option appears.
    1. Click the View option, and the Articles/Categories used blade appears with the list of articles/categories the term is associated.
    2. Click the article/category name to view the name, article version, contributor profile image, contributor name, language, workspace, article status, and last updated date of the article/category.
  7. Last updated on - Last updated time/date information of the term.
  8. Last updated by - Name and profile image of the team account updated the term recently.
  9. Export CSV - The selected terms from the Glossary can be exported as a CSV file.

Why does the Knowledge base need a glossary?

  • You often use abbreviations, acronyms, or standard terms in your knowledge base. You must define the first instance when you add these terms in multiple articles. However, this is a tedious action for a technical writer.
  • To avoid such action, you can associate the respective terms in the desired articles/category pages as a glossary term. So when a reader hovers over the term with the mouse pointer, the definition of the term appears.
  • You can also add your product-specific terms as glossary terms to educate the readers and help them understand better.