The All articles feature within Document360 streamlines article management by allowing users to perform bulk actions on multiple articles simultaneously. This includes publishing, hiding, deleting, and changing the status of articles, among other management tasks.

When managing a large number of articles, individually accessing each one can be time-consuming. The "All articles" feature provides a solution to this challenge, enabling users to efficiently execute actions across multiple articles in one go.

For instance, suppose you aim to publish ten articles from various categories as part of your release documentation simultaneously during the product launch. In such a scenario, you can select the articles on the All articles page and execute a bulk publishing action.

Accessing the 'All articles' overview page


  1. On the Knowledge base portal, select the Documentation ( ) icon.
  2. Click All articles at the top-left of the page.
    The All articles overview page appears.
  3. Navigate to the different workspaces and languages available in your project using the respective drop-down at the top.
  4. Narrow down the articles with available filter options.
  5. Select the desired articles, and you can perform the bulk operation actions:


* Publish (visible when unpublished articles are selected)
* Hide
* Move to
* Delete
* Review reminder
* Live article status
* Create tags
* Deprecate

  1. You can also export the data from the 'All articles' overview page using the Export option available

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

1. What is the function of the "All articles" feature?

The "All articles" feature in Document360 enables users to perform bulk operations on multiple articles in the knowledge base simultaneously. This includes publishing, hiding, deleting, and changing the status of articles and other article management actions.

2. Can I publish multiple articles at once?

Yes, to publish multiple articles simultaneously using the "All articles" feature, navigate to the "All articles" page, select the desired articles, and then choose the "Publish" option. This feature eliminates the need to publish each article individually.

3. Can I hide multiple articles at once?

Absolutely, the "All articles" feature allows you to hide several articles in one go. Select the articles you want to hide and use the "Hide" option to make them inaccessible to readers. The hidden articles are visible to team accounts in the portal and can be unhidden anytime.

4. How do the "All articles" feature enhance article management efficiency?

The "All articles" feature enhances efficiency by simultaneously enabling bulk actions such as deletion, status change, and more on multiple articles. This streamlines tasks, saving time and effort compared to performing these actions on individual articles.

5. Can I reuse custom filters to narrow down results?

Yes, the "All articles" feature in Document360 is designed to adapt to your needs. It offers a versatile approach, allowing you to set up custom filters and reuse them in the future.