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After an Article is published, two changes will happen:

  1. Your article will appear in your Knowledge base site for readers
  2. Article status is updated as "Published" from "Draft."


When you click on an article after it's been published, you'll notice that the editor only shows a live version of your article, not the editing pane.

How to edit an article?


  1. Open the article in the text editor
  2. Click Edit
  3. Make the desired changes
  4. When you are finished, click Publish

When you publish an edited article, the edited version replaces the previously published version in your Knowledge base.

For more information about Article revision, see the article versions.

Open in portal

TheOpen in portal option is available for the logged-in team accounts. This allows you to edit the content instantly. It is available in public, private, and mixed projects.


  1. Go to the desired article/category page in the Knowledge base site
  2. Click the Open in portal option, and you are taken to the editor in the Knowledge base portal


  1. Click on any one of the below options as per requirement:
    a. Edit the draft - To continue with the current draft version. This option is available only when the article is in Draft status
    b. Edit - To fork the published version
What happens to the draft version's content when I click Edit instead of Edit the draft?

When there is a draft version, and you mistakenly click the Edit button, a new article revision is created with the published version content. The draft version will remain the same. You can retrieve the draft version content with the View history option on the top right.

  1. Make the desired changes
  2. When you are finished, click Publish

Viewing the Markdown of a published article

Suppose you've published an article using the Markdown editor, you can view the Markdown formatting without creating a new version of the article.


  • Click ••• (More) on the top right → View Markdown

Article locking

When you or another team account is actively editing an article, it will automatically lock to keep other Contributors from making changes that could create conflicts.


An article is unlocked if you:

  • Don't make any changes to an article for 15 minutes
  • Click the "Locked for edit" icon and select Unlock


Status indicators

After an Article is edited; you may want to notify the end-user that a change has been made to it. You can do this by using a Article status Indicator.

You can indicate whether a published article is new or updated. When turned on, a corresponding tag(New, Updated, Deprecated, Custom status) will display next to the article name in your knowledge base.


To add or change the status indicator


  1. Go to the desired article in the editor
  2. Click Article settings and expand the Status Indicator section
  3. Choose "None", "New", "Updated", or "Custom"
  4. Set the number of days the Article status Indicator will display
  5. Click Save