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For instance, your company uses Trello for task management and team collaboration. You maintain different Trello boards to manage the different teams. Documentation is one such team with multiple writers, editors, and external content agencies.

You have chosen Document360 as your Knowledge base platform and you want your task management on Trello to be in-sync with your knowledge base project on Document360
Now looking at the Trello board (For ex. Kanban, Agile, etc.) for documentation, you maintain a list for all the published articles on your knowledge base amongst other lists like New articles and Review pending. Each article is added as a card in either of the lists depending upon its status.

Sample board

A new card needs to be created under 'Published' list every time someone publishes an article on Document360. The Trello cards can be added manually, but when you manage multiple writers from external sources it gets quite complicated as you don’t intend to expose your in-house project operation to a third-party.

This is the pain point we address with this use case.

Currently, there is no direct integration option available between Trello and Document360 from either of the platforms.


As a workaround, you can use Zapier integration to bridge this gap. By connecting Document360 project and your Trello board on Zapier, you can easily facilitate the process and keep the Trello lists in sync with your knowledge base project.
Try it at Zapier →

You can set the trigger and action on Zapier by following the simple setup guide below.

Adding a trigger


Adding an action


Use case: Add a Trello card each time a new article is published on the Document360 project


  1. In the trigger section, first, click on the Sign in to Document360 button and a new window would open with the API token field


API token generation

Obtain the Zapier token (API key) generated from the Document360 portal (Settings → Knowledge base portal → Extensions → Team collaboration), click on the generate icon, and copy the token by clicking on the copy button

  1. Copy the generated token and paste it in the Zapier window
  2. Now back at the zap setup window, click on Continue
  3. Click on the Test trigger button
    Zapier would find a recently published article in your Document360 account to confirm that the right account is connected, and your trigger is set up correctly
  4. If the test is unsuccessful, you can also choose to skip this test, but it’s not advisable
  5. If the test returns success status, click on the Continue button again


  1. If you have already chosen the action at the start of the Zap, then click Continue


  1. In Choose account click on the Sign in to Trello and provide your credentials in the new pop-up window
  2. In the permission window, click on Allow. You can find the info on what Zapier would and would not have access to on Trello
  3. Now back at the Zap setup window click on Continue


  1. Now in the Setup action section choose your intended Trello board and list
  2. In the name and description field you can choose one or more of Document360 attributes (For ex. Content, ID, contributor, version, update date)
  3. In the Label field, pick a color label to apply to the card
  4. In the Card position you can choose from 2 positions (top or bottom)
  5. In the Members field choose the members in your Trello board
  6. You can skip the other fields and hit the Continue button at the bottom
  7. Now click on either Test and Review or Test and Continue


Click the Turn on Zap and you’re good to go


After you have successfully created a Zap and configured it; each time an article is published on your connected Document360 project by any team member, a Trello card would be added to the selected list and board. This card would contain all the article attributes like content, contributor, publish date, and any other info you have configured on the Zap.


Try it at Zapier →