Feedback analytics

Plans supporting feedback analytics


Feedback analytics track total comments, likes, and dislikes for each article/page category. You can find the analytical representation of the feedback data in charts and graphs.

Accessing the Feedback analytics page

To view Feedback analytics, from the Knowledge base portal, navigate to Analytics () and then select Feedback.

Using filters to customize data

By default, the data shows metrics for the last week. You can adjust this using filters:

  1. Click the Date filter dropdown.

  2. Select a predefined range (e.g., This month, Last month) or choose Custom to specify a date range.

  3. If using the Knowledge base widget, use the top-right dropdown to switch between Knowledge base and Widget analytics.

  4. Select the JWT widget to track and analyze user interactions and engagement of Feedback analytics within private and mixed projects secured by JWT authentication.

    For more information on Knowledge base widget JWT authentication, read the article on Managing the Knowledge base widget.



Feedback analytics data can take up to 15 minutes to reflect in the portal from the time the feedback is given.

Feedback analysis

The graphical representation of the Feedback analysis is shown below.

The Feedback page shows the below four metric tiles:



Total article

The number of articles that received some feedback (Like, dislike, or comment) from the readers.

Total feedback

The number of comments logged.

Total likes

The number of likes received, that are accompanied by comments from the readers.

Total dislikes

The number of dislikes received, that are accompanied by comments from the readers.


The Feedback analysis displays the following metrics:



Date-wise metrics

The metrics on a specific date when you hover over the graph.


The graph of all feedback, including articles, likes, and dislikes.


The graph of article feedback.


The number of feedback submitted.


The graph of likes received.


The graph of dislikes received.

Export image

To export the Feedback analysis graph as an image in .png format.

Feedback metrics

This section displays a graphical representation of reader’s dislike responses, including the specific reasons selected by readers for their feedback. The dislike responses are:

  • Need more information

  • Difficult to understand

  • Inaccurate or irrelevant content

  • Missing or broken link

  • Others


Custom feedback messages

The dislike responses mentioned above are the default system responses. You can change the response on the Localization variables page and also view the total count for each type of dislike response selected by readers.

Navigate to Settings() > Knowledge base portal > Localization & Workspaces > Localization variables.

For more information, read the article on Localization variables.

Feedback list

Here, the list of articles, along with the feedback information, is displayed. The information available in this section are

  • Article name

  • Proportion (Likes vs. Dislikes out of 100)

  • The total article views in the selected time frame

  • Likes received with feedback or comments

  • Dislikes received with feedback or comments

  • Feedback or comments received

The actions you can perform from this section are:

  • View in Knowledge base: This appears next to the article name when you hover over it. Click on this, and the article opens the Knowledge base site in a new browser tab.

  • View feedback: This appears at the end of the row when you hover your pointer over the article. Clicking View feedback redirects you to the Feedback manager.

  • Filter: You can filter the list based on articles, page categories, or both.

  • Export CSV: Click Export CSV to download the reader analytics.

    Wait for a few seconds. Once the file is ready, a Download icon appears next to the Export CSV button.

    Click on the Download () icon, and the file is saved to your local device storage.

    The downloadable file remains available until a new CSV is generated.

    Hover over the Download () icon to see the last export date and time.


Are feedback submissions without comments included in the metrics displayed on the Feedback Manager tiles?

No, Any feedback without a comment will not appear in the metrics reflected on the Feedback Analytics tiles. Only feedback submissions that include both a thumbs up/thumbs down response and a comment are counted in the Feedback analytics data.