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Search analytics allows you to view metrics on searches, users, and no result searches and identify keywords that are often searched or do not return results. This information helps determine gaps in documentation and also popular search terms.

Accessing Search analytics

From the Knowledge base portal, go to AnalyticsSearch


Bar Graph Metrics

There are three metrics shown in the Search bar graph:

  1. Total search: The number of searches users perform on the selected project version.
  2. Users: The number of unique users who have used the search feature in the selected project version/language.
  3. No result searches: The number of searches performed by users on selected project versions yielded no results.

The analytics information can be filtered by project version and date at the top of the search page.

Search analytics data can take up to 15 minutes to reflect in the Knowledge base portal.

Search Metrics

Popular Searches

The most searched keywords appear here. You can export the data as Excel (.xlsx) or PDF (.pdf) file.
To export the popular search data, click ExportExport to Spreadsheet or Export as PDF.


No Result Searches

The keywords searched by readers that didn’t return any results appear here.

Knowledge base site view

This is how your reader would view the search terms that do not return any results.


The reader can provide their feedback similar to the "Article feedback" on their recent search term. They can provide their email (optional) and choose to be notified of any change.


Back at the portal, as a team account, you can view the terms the users have searched for that have not brought up any results. The number of times the term has been searched is also available in this section.


No search feedback

The "No search results" feedback data is available only in the New Document360.
To view the no search feedback page,

  1. Use the toggle at the top-right to switch to the "New Document360" User Interface (UI)
  2. Go to Content tools > Documentation > Feedback manager > No search results feedback
  3. You can view the feedback you received on the no-result terms

You can also find other information, such as the feedback provider email, and other managing attributes you see in the regular "Feedback Manager," such as "Assign feedback," "Status," and "Discussions & history."

Search result rate


The "Search result rate" pie chart distinguishes successful and unsuccessful results.

  • Success result refers to the searches with results
  • No result refers to the search without results