After an Article is published, two changes will take place:

  1. Your article will appear in your Knowledge base site for readers

  2. Article status is updated as "Published" from "Draft." in the Knowledge base portal


When you click on an article after it's been published, you'll notice that the editor only shows a live version of your article, not the editing pane.

How to edit an article?


  1. Open the article in the text editor

  2. Click the Edit button at the top-right

  3. The Article status at the top of the editor changes to Draft

  4. Make the desired changes to the article content

  5. When you are finished, click Publish and the article is again republished in the Knowledge base site

When you publish an edited article, the edited version replaces the previously published version in your Knowledge base.

Open in portal (Knowledge base site)

The Open in portal option is available for logged-in team accounts on the Knowledge base site. This allows you to edit the content instantly. It is available in public, private, and mixed projects.


  1. Go to the desired article or category page in the Knowledge base site

  2. Click the Open in portal option, and you are taken to the editor in the Knowledge base portal

Viewing the Markdown of a published article

Suppose you've published an article using the Markdown editor, you can view the Markdown formatting without creating a new version of the article.

  • Click ••• (More) on the top right → View Markdown
