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The Home page is the first page an end-user will see when they visit your knowledge base. The Home Page Builder lets you customize your home page by adding links, changing colors, including categories from your knowledge base, and more. Document360 is a Software as a Service (SaaS) knowledge base platform for your software project documentation. The below snap is the home page of Document360:


The header navigation, menu bar, and footer appear on the home page but are configured in the Design section in Settings.
For information on how to style the header, menu, and footer, see the Knowledge base site design topic.

Accessing the Home page builder


  • From the Knowledge base portal, go to DocumentationHome page builder and the Home page builder page would appear


  1. If your knowledge base has more than one version:


  • You can set a specific home page for each language under a version:
    • Click on the Project version dropdown
    • You can view the list of project versions
    • Select the desired project version


* Click on the Languages dropdown
* You can view the list of available languages
* Select the language for which you want to configure the home page

  1. If your knowledge base has only one version:


  • You can set a specific home page for each language:
    • Click on the Languages dropdown
    • You can view the list of available languages
    • Select the language for which you want to configure the home page

Home page builder status


When you make any changes in the home page builder and save it, Home page builder status appears as Draft in front of the Home page builder toolbar at the top. Unless you perform Publish, the draft status appears. This helps you to identify that the changes still need to be published.

For example, when you add a text block and save the changes. The Home page builder draft status appears in front of the home page builder toolbar. This will only go off if you publish.

Home page builder toolbar


You can find the below icons in the top-right corner:
1. Visibility
2. Save
3. Preview
4. Home page builder settings
5. Themes
6. Publish

1. Visibility

This icon shows the visibility of the home page for your project. By default, the Home page is enabled for every project. However, you can disable it, so the user is directed straight to your documentation.

To change the visibility of the home page:

  • Click on Home page builder settingsVisibility settings
  • You can switch on/off the toggle to enable/disable the home page

2. Save

You can click on this icon to save the changes made on the home page. This icon is enabled only when you make any changes.

3. Preview

You can click on this icon to preview the home page.

For example, you have changed the logo and want to see how it appears on your home page.

4. Home page builder settings


When you click on the Home page builder settings icon, a right-side blade window appears with the following sections:
a. SEO
b. Featured image
c. Visibility settings

Click on the required section to expand it.

a. SEO


  • You can add the SEO title and SEO meta description

    • SEO title: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The SEO title will appear on a search engine result page or when the web page link is shared on social media or other websites. SEO helps to generate organic or unpaid traffic from the search engine. It helps in increasing the number of viewers of your web page

    For example, if the SEO of your web page is relevant and good, you would experience more traffic than without an SEO.

    • SEO meta description: A SEO meta description provides a summary of a web page. It is displayed as part of the search snippet on a search engine results page. It would give the user an idea of your web page content
  • After updating the SEO, click on the Save button

b. Featured image


  • When the web page link is shared on social media or other websites, the featured image would appear along with the URL title


a. Upload an image: To replace the current featured image with a new image. You can upload the image from the knowledge base drive
b. Featured image: The featured image of your home page is shown here
c. Remove featured image: To remove the featured image.
d. Save: Click on the Save button after performing any changes in the featured image section

  • Click on the Upload an image icon to insert/replace the image from the Drive

For example, you can add your logo as the featured image of the home page

  • After updating the featured image, click on the Save button

c. Visibility settings


  • You can use the toggle on/off to enable/disable the home page in your knowledge base

    For example, if you want your user to visit the documentation page directly, you can disable the home page

  • After updating the visibility settings, click on the Save button

5. Themes

Customize your home page with the available theme options. Document360 comes with four different themes. You can keep a unique theme for each version or language. The following theme options are available:

  • Engage
  • Innovate
  • Learn
  • Default

To change the home page theme

  1. Click Themes and the Themes blade window appears on the right
  2. Hover over the desired theme and click Activate
  3. Click the Publish icon on the top right

To read more about Themes, see Themes.

6. Publish

  • You can use this icon to Publish the home page and make it available for the user
  • The home page will not display on your public knowledge base site until it’s published

The home page builder has two major parts: