Fine-tuning user experience: Document360 2.0

Document360 2.0 introduces a few minor tweaks to the Knowledge Base portal with some significant User Interface (UI) enhancements. The latest design exhibits fluid interactions, a simplified interface, and enhanced user experience.


Aesthetics and Functionality

Project section

  • Within the project section, users can view a list of projects along with their respective icons denoting the type of knowledge base.


Switching Workspaces and languages

  • In the dropdown menu at the workspace, the options for Workspace and Language are merged.

  • The Workspace name is displayed alongside the flag representing the language.

  • From the dropdown, you can select the desired workspace and language.

  • Clicking Manage workspace & language redirects you to the Localization and Workspaces section in the settings.


The Create button has been moved to the header.

The Open site icon is used to navigate and view the Knowledge Base site.

Left navigation bar: Category tree manager

On the left navigation bar, we've made several UI enhancements to improve the user experience. One major change is the repositioning of the Content Tools section, which is now located within both the Documentation and API Documentation sections.


The Site Builder feature is added to the category tree manager, which redirects you to the Customize Site section in the settings.

Additionally, the enhancements for the more options (•••) include a more user-friendly and intuitive interface for better usability.

UI enhancements in the editor header section

The elements have been repositioned to enhance usability, providing users with a more intuitive and efficient workflow:

  1. Slug of the article: The article's slug is displayed for easy reference.

  2. Status positioning of the article: The status of the article is now positioned prominently to provide quick insights into its current state.

  3. Article information: You can now access article information such as contributors, stats, last updated, and created dates. Additionally, the "Manage" option allows users to efficiently manage contributors.

  4. Preview: You can instantly preview the article's appearance on the knowledge base site.

  5. Title: You can modify the title, URL slug, and description of the article. Once you have made your changes, click Update.

  6. Recommendations: A dropdown menu displays terms recommended by the Automated Business Glossary.

  7. Workflow status: You can add or update the workflow status of the articles.

  8. More menu (•••): Here you can access additional actions such as clone article, move, hide, and delete. Moreover, SEO, tags, and Related articles are conveniently separated.

  9. Comments: You can engage in discussions and provide feedback.

  10. View full screen( ): Allows users to view Document360 in full-screen mode.